South Carolina - Area 62

Area 62 General Service Assembly is comprised of A.A. members who conduct the business of A.A. in South Carolina. All A.A. members are welcome and encouraged to attend the Assemblies.
The purpose of the Assembly is to carry the message of hope and recovery from alcoholism across our state. The voting members of the Assembly also elect a Delegate who participates in the General Service Conference, the annual business meeting for AA in U.S. and Canada.
Meeting 3 times per year (March, June, and October) for two-day weekends in a central part of the state, the attendees can experience the interesting way in which A.A. makes decisions. In addition, this is a time for learning more about the service structure of A.A., about service opportunities and for fellowship with members from all over S.C.
While we no longer require registering for the Assembly, attendees who are getting the Saturday on-site Lunch and/or Supper must prepay.
Click Here To Download the GSR Packet
Click Here To Download the DCM Packet