South Carolina - Area 62

Comfort Inn & Suites
527 Woody Jones Blvd
Florence, SC
(843) 702-3300
Room Rate: $99 (plus tax)
Online reservations will be available soon, as will a hotel registration code.
We also have an overflow hotel
Fairfield Inn & Suites
501 Woody Jones Blvd
Florence, SC
(843) 665-4488
Room Rate: $104 (plus tax)
Online reservations will be available soon, as will a hotel registration code.
NOTE: To participate or attend Friday night's entertainment, folks will need to register for the entire convention
**Discussion meetings in the hospitality suite will be taking place when there are no other events happening for the convention. There will be a separate schedule/topic/sign-up sheet available closer to the convention dates.
It’s clear that A.A. get-togethers beyond the group have become an established part of A.A. life. The calendar in any Box 4-5-9 or in the Grapevine shows how many conventions, conferences, and banquets are being held by A.A.s throughout the world.
What makes an A.A. convention click for its participants? It’s probably not style or form that matters so much as the spirit and feeling behind it. As one member puts it, the best A.A. convention is “just a darned good A.A. meeting blown up big.” Just watch enthusiastic members at any A.A. convention and you’ll get what he means.
The atmosphere alone is worth the trip. Here you’ll find fellowship, laughter, warmth, and understanding—”heaped up, pressed down, and running over.”
Excerpted from "A.A. Guidelines /Conferences, Conventions and Roundups"